Hey there, beauties! I hope that you're all having a beautiful week so far. Today, I'm really excited to be doing the Blogger Recognition Award tag. I'd like to thank my fellow blogger and a dear friend Andrea for nominating me! I wholeheartedly recommend that you check out her lovely blog, A Glimpse of Glam. She writes the most amazing fashion posts with a personal twist, and is a true inspiration for myself and many other bloggers! I was so excited to be nominated for this award tag, as it does look quite interesting and different from the usual beauty tags. I hope you enjoy!
Here are the rules for the Blogger Recognition Award tag:
When I first created Shoes and Glitter in September 2015, I honestly didn't expect myself to stick to it for more than a couple of months. Initially, I was just looking for an outlet from the daily grind. Being stuck in a miserable job and with no real hobbies, I felt determined to find something that would put the spark back in my life! Although I went into blogging with no real goals or expectations, it quickly became something I'd look forward to doing every single day. I was so amazed by how warm and welcoming the blogging community turned out to be! These days, I couldn't imagine my life without Shoes and Glitter. I get so much joy out of publishing posts (and now YouTube videos as well, yay!) and interacting with my fellow blogger friends. I hope to continue blogging for many years to come; and now that I've also branched out into YouTube, my journey has become all the more exciting. :)
Blogging is definietly a learning curve. I am by no means a blogging expert, and still have a lot to learn. However, I'd say that the two most important things to keep in mind if you're a new blogger are:
Be patient - nothing happens overnight. You should never go into blogging with the expectation of achieving instant success and recognition. It takes a long, long time to build your audience, so be prepared for that! With hundreds of new beauty blogs being created every day, it is incredibly difficult to make your website stand out and attract new readers. I wholeheartedly believe that every blogger is capable of achieving great success, but it's important to be patient and manage your expectations - especially if you're just starting out. So be persistent, consistent and most importantly - enjoy blogging!
Don't be afraid to really put yourself out there and connect with other bloggers. Think of blogging as a conversation - it shouldn't just be you talking at your readers, publishing one post after another without engaging with anyone. Blogging is really all about interacting and building relationships with your audience. The best ways to do so include commenting back, visiting other blogs and engaging with people on social media. You could honestly write the best, top-notch quality posts; but if no one knows about your blog, your reader base will be limited. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there, blog about what you love and talk to people. I promise you - it's worth it!
I've actually written an entire mini-series on blogging tips for beginners, so if you're interested, feel free to check it out!
I know that this tag technically requires you to pick fifteen bloggers for the award, but I would like to nominate and tag each and every single one of you! I think that as bloggers, we all have our own experiences and little bits of wisdom to share. We all put so much heart and love into our blogs, and I truly believe that every blogger out there deserves their own Recognition Award!
Also, I'd like to thank all you beauties for the lovely comments and feedback on my very first YouTube video! I have a couple of new videos coming up next week - I'll be hauling some very unique skincare products, and trying weird candies on camera!
Why did YOU start blogging?
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